Awards 2022 / Crimes de guerre, avec les enquêteurs en Ukraine War crimes. With the investigators in Ukraine 


Crimes de guerre, avec les enquêteurs en Ukraine War crimes. With the investigators in Ukraine 

Radio Télévision Suisse

Thanks to an outstanding effort of its investigative methods, coupled with access gained to key sources, the documentary vividly portrays the war in Ukraine and the importance of documenting crimes committed by Russian troops on a day to day basis. It also portrays how a new methodology is being used to analyse armed conflict, combining social anthropology with that of social network content and digital cartography. By means of this award, the jury not only wishes to recognize the value of such a high quality work, put together in record time to narrate a truly contemporary history, but also to vindicate the importance of journalism at times of violence being perpetrated on a major scale and its role in recording and gathering evidence that in the future could be used in a trial for war crimes or those committed against humanity.